With Kids on the Weekends and 24/7 (Adult Perspective)

    I wake up and smell the lingering Febreeze in my room. The house is peaceful, calm, and most important, clean. This is the usual Saturday I have and that means I have the whole day with my eight-year-old. We begin by making breakfast together, then we play UNO and Scrabble. After that, she designs airplanes and asks me to be the judge. Then, we have a contest of who can hold their breath the longest in the pool. The last (but not least) fun activity we do together is watch a movie marathon. I know it’s a work/school night for both of us, but we end up sleeping at 11:00.

    The next morning is nothing but chaos. I have to rush and make breakfast and get ready for work. My daughter keeps drawing flowers with her egg yolk on the table. Throwing a wet towel on the table, I carry her to the bathroom. As she brushes her teeth, she asks me, “Did you like my yolk drawing?” I try my hardest not to blow up. “Yes sweetie, it was amazing. Please brush your teeth so mommy can put on her make-up.” She finally finishes after two minutes, and now it’s my turn. I put on my make-up and yell, “Are you ready, sweetie?” My daughter comes rushing down the stairs, her shirt on backwards. “Turn your shirt honey,” I order, grabbing my briefcase. I drive her to school and I go to work. I am 15 minutes late.
    I come home from work and start calling for a baby sitter. I have a meeting at 8:30 PM on Thursday, and I don’t have a sitter. My daughter keeps shouting, “Mommy! Look! Look now, mommy!” “NOT NOW SWEETIE!” I yell, distracted. Then I realize my food’s on fire. I can’t wait until Saturday…


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