Tweening my Summer Plans

Hello to you tweens out there! Today I'm going to show you some goals or plans you might want  to set for this summer. It doesn't exactly have to be the same, but you can organize all your goals this way (sorry your summer doesn't look like this):

-Study science
-Learn how to solve a 3 x 3 Rubix cube
-Start a garden
-Finish Algebra workbook

-Clean out closet
-Study social studies
-Finish "How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000"
-Scuba dive

If you have a longer or shorter summer then you can readjust the structure of the goal sheet. These goals may not be your goals, but you can alter it so it matches your pace and interests. You can even add more things to it! I hope you can use this planning method or get inspired to make your own!


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