Tips for Going to Middle School:
Three big no-no's when talking (in general, not just middle school)
- Politics
- Race
- Religion
- Education!
- Keeping good friends
Tips for being awesome:
- Study everyday
- Build a good reputation (more on that later)
- Exercise your body; stay healthy :)
- Stay off video games AMAP (as much as possible)
- Know which friends are good
Yikes things you might see in middle school:
- Friends changing
- Bullying
- PUBERTY (gross, talk to your parents about that bleh)
Building a good reputation:
- Be responsible
- Be honest
- Think about the consequences before acting
- Have self-control (do homework instead of watching a movie)
- Try not to be involved in drama (no gossiping or spreading rumors)
- Number one rule: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
How to handle when you are mad:
- Count to ten
- Say stuff in a calm voice
- Don't yell or scream or throw! Big no-no!
How to handle bullies:
- Tell an adult you trust (obviously). No matter what the bully does (threaten) tell an adult.
- If someone says something mean to you, just do an awesome comeback...with a smile.
- If someone says something mean about you, it's not you that looks bad; it's them.
- Just smile, they want a reaction that has nothing to do with "I'm dorky? Thanks! :D"
That's all the tips I have for going to middle school! Hope you like it and make sure to follow the rules ;)
See ya on the flip side,
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